Five Questions To Ask When Choosing An IT Support Services Company

Five Questions To Ask When Choosing An IT Support Services Company

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1. What sets you apart from the others?

If you were to look into any managed IT support firm, you would find that they all assert that they are “the finest” in the business. But do they have the ability to do so? The response to your first question will reveal how distinctive they are within the sector. Request that they provide some verifiable business facts and data to support their claim of outstanding service. For instance, if a company asserts that they have the quickest reaction rate in the event of a disaster, you should inquire further and ask them for some references from the relevant industry. Ensure these assertions can be backed up before moving forward with a potentially lucrative business partnership.

2. What is included in the support I will get?

In most cases, an IT services firm will outline its offerings alongside the proposal, but more is needed to determine how you will proceed. Inquire with them in great detail about the services that are included. Please make a list of every single machine that your company uses and determine whether or not it is included in the package. Many service providers, including but not limited to, do not include mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and the like. If the workflow requires the supply of assistance for all of your firm’s devices, then you should negotiate for all of them before moving on to pricing.

3. Will I receive a dedicated remote and ground support team for my contract?

Many businesses split their teams up and provide support to multiple customers, which might result in delays when assistance is necessary. An agreement with a firm that provides IT support and services is only beneficial if the company designates a specialised support team for the customer. If you answer this question clearly, it will prevent a lot of support problems later on. If you have a question that can be answered by remote contact, having a dedicated team will guarantee that you receive a prompt response to your inquiry. In the event of a malfunction that requires assistance on the ground, a specialised team is prepared to save your essential hardware. For instance, if a company in London that offers IT help gives a dedicated support staff to a company based in London, the London-based business can receive quick support to rectify any physical disparity. Therefore, you must ensure that the provision of local support on the ground is covered in the contract.

4. What is your plan of action in a hardware disaster?

How humans respond to hardship is a well-known trait. When a catastrophic event occurs, a support provider’s true character might be seen for all to see. Ask them about their strategy for recovering hardware in a catastrophe. They might be able to convince you by showing you some breathtaking pictures, but you should put only some of your faith in that. Ask them in-depth questions about the recovery plan they have. If you have this suspicion, give the disaster recovery plan a careful read-through, and then consider whether it can safeguard the equipment you have on your premises. A managed IT support company’s dedication can be gauged by how well it satisfies its customers by developing effective recovery strategies.

5. Which IT system do you use at your premises?

Would you visit a physician who uses medical equipment that is both unclean and out of date? Certainly not! The situation is the same with the organisation that provides IT services. Examine the company’s information technology on-site at the business. It is now time to inspect their respective devices. If the company’s claims about the quality of its hardware equipment are accurate, it is a good sign that they are ready to move through with the contract. In that case, you would be throwing away some of your resources. Also Read: How IT support company can improve work from home experience