working from home increases productivity

Why do people think working from home increases productivity?

Welcome to the Topic “Why do people think working from home increases productivity” Work-from-home is steadily becoming a desirable option for employees and is sometimes required. It offers great potential to help increase productivity due to the lack of daily distractions that an office environment can present. But how do we know if providing this opportunity will produce better results for overall business operations? To answer that question, it’s essential to understand what factors have been proven to contribute towards improved workplace performance when working remotely and why people think working from home increases productivity.  Let’s explore the impact of increased flexibility when it comes down to having a productive workforce!

Increased productivity

With the onset of the novel coronavirus, the tradition of heading to the office on weekdays has been drastically disrupted, paving the way for working from home to become a reality. This shift in work dynamics has enabled many people to experience increased productivity, as staying home removes distractions such as commutes and conversations with coworkers. Working from home enhanced productivity by 13%, according to a Stanford study of 16,000 employees over nine months. Furthermore, enabling employees to maintain flexible schedules means they can focus better during their mandated timeframes; this boosts efficiency overall. 

Fewer distractions

Working from home has its advantages, and one of the most compelling is the lack of distractions work brings. Home-based work eliminates typical office distractions, such as coworkers talking over cubicles, humming appliances from break rooms, or ringing phone lines in hallways. When you work from home, all that can be eliminated, and productivity is improved significantly. Other sources of workplace distraction, including coffee machines, vending machines, and chatty colleagues, also cease to exist when completing work from home. It creates an environment conducive to focus and productivity, setting many people up for success.

More flexible hours

Working from home offers a great deal of flexibility that could be beneficial for both employers and employees. For example, it eliminates the need to commute, meaning fewer hours wasted on travel and more hours available for productive work. It also opens opportunities to work outside of “business hours” by providing an alternate space where one can work at the times that best fit their schedule. Flexible scheduling has been gaining traction in recent years, and working from home is just one way that modern business can begin to adapt accordingly!

Easier to manage work-life balance

 With no commuting-related stressors, people can spend valuable time doing the activities that matter in their lives. From attending to family needs or spending more energy on hobbies, working from home allows individuals to prioritize those obligations and ensure they’re fulfilled effectively. On top of that, having the kind of flexibility working from home generates is instrumental for healthy self-care practices and better mental health. 

Improved morale and motivation

The effects of remote work on morale and motivation are widely debated. Some businesses have found that eliminating a commute or other factors related to working from home has positively impacted their employees’ productivity, morale, and overall engagement. Remote work offers employees more freedom: they can work from any location they choose and customize their work environment to suit their individual needs.  Have any questions regarding the topic “Why do people think working from home increases productivity” feel free to comment below. Also Read: Tips for Remote Working from Home