Importance of cyber essentials

Importance of cyber essentials and how FreshStance, IT support incorporates cyber essentials in the cyber plan

Welcome to the Topic “Importance of cyber essentials and how FreshStance, IT support incorporates cyber essentials in the cyber plan” Cyber Essentials and cyber essentials plus are certifications created by the National Cyber Security Centre designed to make organizations more cyber secure. The certifications provide a good security baseline against specific threats and demonstrate that an organization is taking these issues seriously. And any business having the certificate will have good credibility when talking about the regards of security issues. Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus require companies to identify and address common cyber security vulnerabilities or threats. Organizations must complete self-assessments of their security measures and demonstrate proof that they have mitigated any security risks to obtain the certifications. Having earned these certifications can make an organization more competitive since potential customers may be encouraged by businesses that publicly demonstrate the assurance of improved cyber security.

How FreshStance IT incorporates cyber essentials   

FreshStance IT Support takes cyber security very seriously. Our first step in incorporating cyber essentials into our services is to ensure proper employee training. We focus on educating IT personnel and employees on cyber security best practices, such as using strong passwords, antivirus and malware defense, two-factor authentication, monitoring systems, and patch management. Furthermore, we emphasize the need to follow established processes and procedures during all operations regularly. By adhering to this rigorous process of safety protocols, we can increase the effectiveness of our security strategies by updating processes as needed and responding quickly when data breaches occur. As a result, our clients can rest assured knowing their data is safe whenever they choose FreshStance IT Support.

The benefits of having a cyber essentials certification

Securing a business’s online presence is becoming increasingly important in today’s society. Obtaining a Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certification is crucial to protect a business from potential cyber threats. Both certifications protect against the most common cyber-attacks, but it is up to the business to determine which one best suit its needs and business type.  For those businesses with a higher sensitivity towards potential cyber threats, the Cyber Essentials Plus certification may be the best option. This advanced certification provides deeper insight into security areas, and with continual monitoring, it can detect any future vulnerabilities quicker and more effectively. Investing in either of these certifications reassures businesses that all components of their internet systems are secure and reassuring for customers and clients.

How to get a cyber essentials certification for your business

Making sure your business is secure and compliant with cyber security regulations can be daunting, but getting a Cyber Essentials Certification is a great way to ensure you are doing all you can to protect yourself and your customers.
  • The first step in obtaining your certification is to create an account on the Cyber Essentials portal and complete the application. 
  • Once you’re ready, a qualified assessor will review your response and issue a report determining whether you pass the requirements – usually within 7-10 working days, depending on your application. 
  • After passing, you will officially become Cyber Essential certified. Make sure you are certified your business from potential attackers and, more importantly, provide peace of mind for customers by reassuring them that their data is kept safe when interacting with you online.
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