Traditional IT vs Cloud Computing

Traditional IT vs Cloud Computing: What You Need to Know

Every organization need an IT infrastructure that is flexible, affordable to operate, and secure. Depending on your business needs, you must now select between the classic, cloud computing, and hybrid computing approaches. But what are the precise differences between cloud computing and traditional IT solutions, and which would be the greatest fit for your company? You’ve come to the correct page if you were also curious!

Traditional IT infrastructure

Conventional IT infrastructure often uses data centers made up of different servers and other hardware components that are all connected to a network by means of a remote server that is usually situated on the premises of an office. Employees of the organization can access stored business data and apps through it.

Cloud computing

With cloud computing, all of the gear and servers are housed off-site, but the resources are still reachable from anywhere in the globe. This type of business computing allows you to keep your company’s data and apps on the cloud without requiring you to buy hardware or servers. Businesses had to rely on traditional IT infrastructure to host their apps and keep corporate data prior to the cloud becoming widely used. That was mostly because, at the time, there was no other choice. While some firms have already made the move to the cloud or are actively exploring it, many remain operate under the same methodology today. Traditional IT versus Cloud Computing Now that you understand both the terms better, let’s have a look at a comparison of both models of computing with regards to the benefits they provide.

Scalability and flexibility

You are limited to using the hardware that is installed on your property while using traditional IT infrastructure. The only way to continue using your system is to buy or rent a new server when your storage or processing capacity starts to decline. If you choose to grow your workforce, you will also require additional machine purchases and software licenses. Not to add, the improvements will require human labor from your IT personnel. However, cloud-based hosting offers virtually infinite computing and storage capacity, which can give businesses—especially those that are just starting out or are expanding—the much-needed flexibility. More resources will be allocated automatically if more are needed, without the

Operating costs

In order to allow your organization to grow, typical IT infrastructure requires you to make upfront purchases of technology and additional server space. Hardware is undoubtedly expensive, and the cost will increase if you end up purchasing more resources than you actually require. Aside from this, hardware depreciates rapidly with time and may require replacement; hence, it could not be a valuable asset to own over time. However, the third-party service provider you have selected as your partner will handle all aspects of cloud-based service hosting and maintenance. This implies that managing your cloud-based operations won’t require you to engage an internal IT staff. Second, you’ll simply have to pay for

Performance and resilience

High server performance is not always guaranteed by conventional IT systems. Their restricted capacity makes them prone to downtime, which can negatively impact productivity at work. With a cloud-based system, all of the servers are linked to one another and function as a single, cohesive system, so your data and apps are spread out equally across them. Consequently, downtime would be minimized and your data would not be lost in the event that one of the servers failed. Additionally, the cloud will provide you with greater processing power and data storage, which will boost performance and productivity.


There’s a growing demand for highly accessible and flexible solutions as remote working becomes more and more common. With conventional IT systems in place, it is still feasible to provide your staff with remote access; however, it might be a little complicated and may call for continuous IT support. A virtual private network, or VPN, must be established by your IT department along with the required security measures. But with cloud computing, your staff can access the data and apps from almost anywhere at any time—all they need is a functional internet connection and their login credentials. Therefore, it is not too difficult for your workers to work remotely if they need to.


It goes without saying that one of your company’s most important assets is its IT infrastructure. For this reason, it’s critical to guarantee the secure storage of your company’s data and information. Otherwise, there’s always a chance of losing important business information and valuable data ending up in the wrong hands. If you have a typical IT infrastructure, your data is stored on-site, therefore you and your team are solely responsible for its security and safety. On the other hand, if you deal with a cloud hosting provider, they are in charge of maintaining a high degree of security, and data loss won’t be an issue because all of your data will be backed up across multiple servers in their network.

Considering the migration

SMEs are increasingly adopting cloud computing in place of more conventional IT solutions. But moving your whole IT stack to the cloud and keeping up with the prices can be a difficult undertaking. If your IT department is finding it challenging to handle this kind of migration on its own, you may want to explore the possibility of implementing a hybrid strategy by collaborating with a managed IT service provider. Also Read: The Importance of IT Strategy and Budgeting for SMEs in London