Security Functions Your Organisation Should Automate

Security Functions Your Organisation Should Automate

Organisations must automate as many security functions as possible to safeguard their systems against cyber threats and assaults. As a result of the elimination of manual security processes by security automation, the burden placed on security teams is alleviated, and the number of human errors that can lead to a rise in attacks is decreased. Automating security functions enables companies to detect risks better, lowering the likelihood that they will be the target of cyberattacks and increasing the speed with which they can respond to incidents, mitigating the damage that can be caused by attacks even if they do happen.

Data encryption

Companies that use robust encryption can reduce the cost of a data breach. This is because the real damage caused by a breach occurs when malicious actors can read and use the data they have gained access to. Companies that use strong encryption can reduce the cost of a data breach. However, if businesses encrypt their data, there is a significantly reduced likelihood that malicious hackers will be able to read it. On the other hand, many businesses need to encrypt their data. Instead of encrypting the data, they use various security steps that prevent hackers from gaining access to the information rather than encrypting it themselves. Solutions that automate encryption can protect data both while it is in motion and while it is stored. In addition, these tools can handle automated and continuous backups. Then, suppose a company is hit by ransomware. In that case, it needs to immediately roll back to the most recent encrypted backup, with no interference to business operations or downtime. This allows the corporation to disregard the ransom demands made by the attacker.

Alert triaging

Human interaction is no longer required because threat alerts are automatically evaluated and prioritised by the alert triage systems. These solutions help reduce false positives, enabling security teams to operate more effectively and improving the organisations’ cyber defences.

Threat detection/incident response

Human interaction is no longer required because threat alerts are automatically evaluated and prioritised by the alert triage systems. These solutions help reduce false positives, enabling security teams to operate more effectively and improving the organisations’ cyber defences.

Automated deception technology

Deception technology powered by artificial intelligence uses realistic decoys, such as databases, servers, files, apps, and domains, to attract potential cyber attackers. As soon as attackers connect with these decoys, the technology begins gathering intelligence, which it then utilises to alert enterprises’ security teams. These teams may then take action to address or remove these risks, stop possible breaches, and guarantee that data continues to be protected.

Data management

The members of the security teams of firms spend a significant portion of their workdays manually administering various instruments to ensure the safety of critical company data. However, spending a lot of time manually gathering data could be a more productive use of one’s time. By automating routine security operations like log and asset management as well as data collection, competent members of a security team can have more time to focus on high-value tasks that require human interaction, making security operations more efficient.

Data privacy

Automating data privacy functions is one-way enterprises can guarantee they comply with relevant regulations. Without the need for enterprises to conduct thorough audits, AI-powered solutions can explore the settings in which organisations operate and detect processes that do not comply with regulations and requirements. To maintain the safety of systems, businesses need to fulfil the standards of regulatory compliance.