Manage and Secure Remote Access

How to Manage and Secure Remote Access to Your Business IT Infrastructure

In recent years, remote access to the information technology infrastructure of organisations has grown increasingly common as companies strive to provide greater flexibility to their employees while simultaneously reducing their overhead costs. However, because hackers are always looking for new ways to exploit weaknesses, remote access can also generate new security threats for enterprises. It is of the utmost importance to manage and secure remote access as an integral component of ensuring the safety of the information technology infrastructure of your company.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

A security method known as multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires users to present various forms of identity before gaining access to an information technology system. Even if your password is stolen, multi-factor authentication (MFA) can still prevent unauthorised access to your company’s IT infrastructure. Consider establishing multi-factor authentication, or MFA, for all remote access to your information technology systems. This would require users to submit something they know, like a password, and something they have, such as a security token or an app on their smartphone.

Use a Virtual Private Network

It is possible to establish a safe link between remote personnel and the IT infrastructure of your company by utilising a Virtual Private Network, or VPN. Because a virtual private network (VPN) encrypts data, it is far more difficult for hackers to access confidential information. Consider utilising a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for any remote access to your information technology infrastructure, and check to see that your VPN software is always up to date.

Limit Remote Access

You can lower the risk of cyberattacks by restricting remote access to your information technology infrastructure. Consider limiting access to remote workstations to just those employees who have demonstrated a need for it and then just for the minimum required time. In addition, consider restricting remote access to only certain IP addresses or geographical places, as this can prevent illegal access.

Implement Endpoint Protection

Endpoint protection describes the methods of security used to secure particular devices, such as laptops or smartphones, that are used to access the information technology infrastructure of your company. Anti-virus software, network firewalls, and intrusion detection systems are all examples of endpoint protection technologies. Make sure that all of the devices used to access your company’s IT infrastructure have the most recent version of endpoint protection software installed and that this software is updated regularly.

Use Secure Remote Desktop Software

With the use of remote desktop software, employees who are stationed in different locations can access their work computers from anywhere. However, this software may also threaten users’ privacy and safety if it is not adequately secured. Consider utilising secure software for remote desktop access that encrypts data and mandates authentication before providing access.

Conduct Regular Security Audits

Conducting routine security audits can assist in identifying weak points in your information technology infrastructure and stave off potential intrusions. Think about doing frequent security audits, either on your own or with the assistance of a third-party security organisation. You can do this either internally or with their support. Audits might reveal vulnerabilities in your information technology infrastructure, such as weak passwords, outdated software, or insecure endpoints.

Train Employees on Cybersecurity Best Practices

Regarding information security, employees are frequently the weakest link in the chain. It is possible to lower the danger of cyberattacks by educating personnel on best cybersecurity practices. Consider offering all employees routine cybersecurity training, which should include instruction on spot phishing schemes, generating secure passwords, and preventing downloading of malware.

Have a Plan in Place for Security Breaches

Even if you take every precaution, there is always the possibility of a security breach. It is possible to lessen the impact of the harm caused by a cyberattack by developing a strategy in advance to deal with any security breaches that may occur. You should consider building a security breach response strategy that includes actions for containing the breach, alerting those affected by the breach, and restoring IT infrastructure.