How Business Technology Contributes to the Green Industrial Revolution

How Business Technology Contributes to the Green Industrial Revolution

The United Kingdom (UK) government presented a ten-point plan in November 2020, intending to advance what they call the “Green Industrial Revolution.” The recent emphasis placed on environmental issues is further demonstrating that the world is evolving into a more sustainable place. There is a great deal of space for good influence made by firms based in the United Kingdom that leverage technology that depends on diverse energy sources.

How does IT impact the environment?

At first glance, it could appear as though eco-friendly living and information technology for businesses are two completely distinct worlds that are so far apart that they exist in other realms. However, if the past few years have taught us anything, we are all connected and more dependent on each other (and the world) than we might initially believe. Reality is that information technology, including both hardware and software, does impact the surrounding environment. Consider the servers that need uninterrupted power, the laptops that need to be charged, and the energy required to drive the development of software for platforms that are used by millions of people every day. We are now a society that prioritises digital communication, which comes with many advantages, so this consumption is no longer a choice. For instance, it has been demonstrated that working from home (and consequently relying on information technology-based remote systems) can decrease carbon emissions. Therefore, “green IT” and “digital responsibility” are not about feeling guilty about the number of resources we consume; rather, they are about discovering new ways to use better the resources we already have to achieve the same outcomes.

How can you modify your IT strategy to be more sustainable

It’s clear that there are many different ways you can improve your green IT footprint, but how do you choose what’s right for your business? Below we’ll share a few ways that UK small businesses can make small changes which contribute towards a greener future (without breaking the bank or changing your processes):

Switch to cloud computing.

Moving to cloud-based computing solutions may reduce your energy use in one of the simplest ways possible. You might not be able to transition to an end-to-end platform like Microsoft 365 for some firms, but you might do away with the requirement for power-hungry servers (and the cooling to go with them).

Adopt a hybrid working model.

Changing to a hybrid work arrangement (or even a fully remote model) is a terrific approach to lowering the carbon footprint of your entire company. Why? Because your overall travel effect will be reduced with fewer employees who commute to work.

Go remote with client meetings.

Switching to a remote platform like Microsoft Teams for your meetings makes it simple to take action sustainably by eliminating the travel (and carbon emissions) associated with having client meetings in person.

Switch off your machines when you’re not using them.

While PC technology has been quite effective at minimising power usage in sleep mode, sleeping PCs can still use up to 10 watts. That can increase over time if you multiply it by a fleet of PCs. Switching off is preferable to remain silent.