Dos and Don’ts While Doing Cloud Migration

Dos and Don’ts While Doing Cloud Migration

Welcome to the Topic “Dos and Don’ts While Doing Cloud Migration” When it comes to migrating to the Cloud (or any other form of data transfer, for that matter), it is simple for a company to become enthusiastic about the possibilities and dive right in. However, this may feel more like a costly and painful experience than an investment because it can take time. Before throwing all of your eggs in one large bucket, it is important to take a moment to collect your thoughts, relax, and think about what has to take place. The following are helpful hints on handling the migration to the Cloud effectively. Adapting your company to function in the Cloud is a complex process. When you are receiving your data in the Cloud and, more than likely, passing it through an API of some kind to extract information, there are several things you need to think about to prepare for. While transitioning to the Cloud, several other concerns need to be taken into consideration by you.


AnalyseAnalyse your current applications.

You must develop a solid strategy before moving your company’s activities to the Cloud. This method begins with determining what to do with the applications now running on-premises. Because only some applications will need to be moved, you will need to have a comprehensive awareness of the challenges your company is currently facing and the goals it has set for the future. It is entirely dependent on the objectives that have been set for your company and what it is that you hope to achieve by moving to the Cloud.

Get input from employees.

One of the most common blunders that may be made while moving to the Cloud (or undertaking any organisational transformation) is failing to discuss the upcoming changes with your staff. They are the only ones who can inform you which applications MUST be moved to a cloud environment. Even if your company is footing the bill for something, that means only some of your staff members take full advantage of the benefit.

Use a hybrid model.

Although there are many advantages to using the public Cloud, there are situations in which an on-premises architecture may be more appropriate for the task. Before deciding to implement either option, businesses must have a solid understanding of the requirements of their operations. Employing both strategies simultaneously, also known as a hybrid strategy, is often considered the optimal solution because it helps protect against excessive expenses while providing the highest possible level of flexibility and adaptability. Additionally, a hybrid cloud allows improved redundancy across all of the data.


Making a mistake in the Cloud can be costly. Here are some things to avoid when migrating to a cloud environment.

Planning for future growth.

Moving to the Cloud has many advantages, but scalability is one of the most important. You have access to computational resources whenever and wherever you require them, which enables you to scale up or down according to the requirements of the task at hand. On the other hand, if you don’t lay things out properly, you can end up with a setting that doesn’t scale in a way that’s appropriate for your requirements. You will be able to ensure that your cloud deployment will expand with you if you forecast the expected growth and make allowances for spikes in demand.

Not considering costs

It is common knowledge how much it costs to use public cloud services. However, this is only sometimes well understood. On the other hand, if you need to do your calculations correctly and create a budget to account for the ongoing cost of running your applications in the Cloud, you can get a bill that you weren’t expecting at the end of the month—the failure to select the appropriate platform. There are numerous distinct kinds of cloud platforms available today, each of which has a unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Before making a decision, you must seriously consider these factors and avoid the common error of assuming that a single platform is appropriate for all deployments simply because it was successful for a single or several applications. Migrating to the Cloud is not easy, but cloud services are meant to make the transition easier. If you keep these dos and don’ts in mind, you can adjust much more easily. Because moving to the Cloud can be costly, any company should prioritise cost reduction whenever possible. This is especially helpful for a local company that wishes to avoid incurring additional costs for storage. Also Read: Strategy for Cloud Migration: Four Mistakes to Avoid