An IT Onboarding Checklist for Small Businesses

An IT Onboarding Checklist for Small Businesses

Having an IT onboarding strategy is a good idea to reduce the stress of getting new hires set up with gear, software, and training for your company’s specific IT systems. If your IT support resources aren’t available, you may still follow each step to ensure a smooth welcome by documenting your IT onboarding process.

Step 1: Order and configure the proper hardware

The proper hardware must be set up before your new starter starts their first day. Specifications will vary depending on the business, but a desktop workstation or laptop is often required. Another matter of choice is how you provision your IT hardware. Consider whether a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and other peripherals are necessary. One crucial piece of advice is to ensure your new employee’s dedicated hardware is ready and set up on their first day. Failure to do so will result in decreased production, a protracted onboarding process, and some idle hands.

Step 2: Configuring essential software and accounts

Regarding onboarding, the software side of setup takes up the lion’s share of time for an IT support team. Depending on each firm’s technologies, setting up a new user will vary greatly, but we typically see either Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 accounts as a base.

Step 3: IT support orientation for your policy

The following action is crucial if you want to ensure that your new hires feel looked after throughout their initial weeks in the position. A clear description of your IT support rules is essential because every business operates differently. This can be done through a live or recorded meeting, a PDF or printed handout with all the information, or both. Your new starter’s knowledge of what to do, when to do it, and what the boundaries are is crucial. For example, your IT support orientation should answer questions like these:
  • Do workers need a VPN to access company resources from their homes?
  • Are employees allowed to use their devices for work? Are there any restrictions if so?
  • Is there any particular software that must be installed for the staff to do their duties? For instance, a client likes Endpoint Detection and Response.
  • What policy does the business have about private browsing on work computers, like social media?
  • Exists a VoIP or other IT-based phone system exist? If yes, how can the employee begin utilising it?

Step 4: Training in cyber security best practices

For many businesses, the world of work exists primarily in the digital realm, making cybersecurity a necessity rather than an add-on. It would help if you took the time to adequately train new hires in your company on the most typical cyberattack vectors and how to spot the warning signals of these attacks. Professional qualifications and training programmes should also be taken into account. You’ll prevent future security breaches, save time and money, and enjoy the peace that comes from knowing that everyone is doing their part to protect your data and your company by giving new hires this level of training.

Step 5: Ensure that they have all they require.

Last, you must ensure your new hires are prepared before letting them work independently, especially if IT support is involved. This is necessary since new employees may try to resolve problems independently or waste time troubleshooting if they need help submitting IT support tickets or seeking assistance. You can be sure new hires will get started right away, whether based in the office or working remotely, by ensuring they are familiar with all of your IT procedures.