Complete Handbook to Unified Communications

A Complete Handbook to Unified Communications

Welcome to the Topic “A Complete Handbook to Unified Communications” Unified communications (UC) is a term used in business and telecommunication circles to refer to the integration of real-time communication services such as   
  • Instant messaging (chat), 
  • Presence information, 
  • Telephony (including IP telephony), 
  • Video conferencing, 
  • Data sharing (including web connected electronic whiteboards aka IWBs or Interactive White Boards), 
  • Call control and 
  • Speech recognition with non-real-time communication services such as unified messaging (integrated voicemail, email, SMS and fax).
  UC is not a single product, but rather a set of products that provide a consistent unified user interface and user experience across multiple devices and media types.  

The Key to Successful Unified Communications

The key to successful UC is integrating these various communications channels into a single interface that is easily accessible and easy to use. This requires both hardware and software that are designed to work together seamlessly.    The goal of UC is to provide a consistent user experience across all these channels, so that users can easily switch between them as needed without having to learn new interfaces or applications.  

Benefits of UC

There are many benefits of UC, but the most important is that it can help improve productivity by making it easier and faster for employees to communicate with each other and with customers.    UC can also help reduce costs by eliminating the need for multiple phone lines, long distance charges, and expensive video conferencing equipment.   Let’s look at other benefits of UC in detail:  
  1. Improved Productivity

The biggest benefit of UC is that it can help improve productivity by making it easier and faster for employees to communicate with each other and with customers.    For example, if you need to discuss a project with a colleague, you can quickly send them an instant message or chat rather than having to call them on the phone.    If you’re on the road and need to check in with the office, you can use your laptop or mobile device to make a video call rather than having to find a place to stop and make a regular phone call. Complete Handbook to Unified Communications

2.Reduced Costs

Another big benefit of UC is that it can help reduce costs by eliminating the need for multiple phone lines, long distance charges, and expensive video conferencing equipment.    For example, if you’re using an IP-based UC system, you can make calls using your Internet connection rather than a traditional phone line.    So if you need to hold a video conference, you can use your computer’s webcam and microphone rather than renting or buying expensive video conferencing equipment.  

3.Increased Mobility

UC can also help increase your mobility by giving you the ability to access your communications tools from anywhere. For example, if you’re using a UC-enabled laptop, you can make and receive calls, send and receive instant messages, and check your voicemail from any location with an Internet connection.    And if you’re using a UC-enabled mobile phone, you can do all of these things while you’re on the go.  

4. Improved Customer Service

UC can also help improve customer service by giving your employees the ability to quickly and easily communicate with customers using the channels they prefer.    For example, if a customer calls your support line, your agent can use UC to instantly pull up their account information and see all of their previous interactions with your company.    This way, your agent can provide the best possible service by having all of the relevant information at their fingertips.  

5. Improved Collaboration

UC can also help improve collaboration by making it easier for employees to work together on projects. For example, if you’re working on a presentation with a colleague, you can use UC to share your screens and work on the presentation together in real-time.    Or if you’re working on a project with team members in different locations, you can use UC to hold a video conference and share documents and files easily.   UC is a great way to improve productivity, reduce costs, increase mobility, improve customer service, and improve collaboration. If you’re looking for a way to make your business more efficient and effective, UC is definitely worth considering. Complete Handbook to Unified Communications

How to Effectively Implement UC?

The first step in implementing UC is to choose the right UC solution for your business.    There are many different UC solutions on the market, so it’s important to do your research and select a solution that will meet the specific needs of your business.    Once you’ve selected a UC solution, you’ll need to deploy it across your organization. This process can be complex, so it’s important to work with a UC provider that has experience deploying UC solutions in large organizations.   Once your UC solution is up and running, you’ll need to train your employees on how to use it. This process can be time-consuming, so it’s important to select a UC solution that comes with comprehensive training materials.

How to Choose the Right UC Solution?

  There are many factors to consider when choosing a UC solution. The first step is to determine the specific needs of your business.    Do you need a solution that can handle high call volumes?  Do you need a solution that can be deployed across multiple locations?  Do you need a solution that supports mobile devices?    Once you’ve determined the specific needs of your business it’s easier to choose just the right UC solution.   UC can have a major impact on your business, so it’s important to choose a UC solution that is right for you. By taking the time to select the right UC solution and deploy it properly, you can reap the many benefits of UC and improve the productivity of your employees. Have any questions regarding the topic “A Complete Handbook to Unified Communications” feel free to comment below. Also Read: What is Unified Communications? Systems, Devices and Services