Welcome to the Topic “Top 10 Reasons Telecoms is the Need of the Hour”
The advent of digitalization has disrupted almost every industry, and the telecom sector is no exception.
The globalization of business and the ever-growing dependency on mobile devices and apps have made telecom one of the most important industries in the world.
Here are the top 11 reasons why telecom is the need of the hour:
1. Increasing mobile device usage:
There are more than 7.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide, which is a penetration rate of 101%. This number is only going to increase in the future as people become increasingly reliant on their mobile devices for both work and personal use.2. Growing demand for data:
The average mobile user consumes 1.5 GB of data per month, and this number is only going to grow as we become more reliant on our mobile devices for everything from work to entertainment.3. The rise of the Internet of Things:
There are already more than 10 billion connected devices in the world, and this number is expected to reach 20 billion by 2020. This growth will result in a huge increase in the amount of data being generated and transmitted, putting even more strain on telecom networks.4. Increasing need for speed:
The average mobile connection speed is now 7.2 Mbps, but this is only going to increase as we demand more from our mobile devices. 5G technology is already being tested in some parts of the world, and it promises speeds of up to 1 Gbps.