Cloud-like experiences will be available anywhere in the future of cloud transformation

Cloud-like experiences will be available anywhere in the future of cloud transformation

Many people think about the public cloud when discussing digital transformation. However, only some projects or applications fit the public cloud well. The cloud experience has enormous appeal since you don’t have to pay anything upfront, you pay for what you use, and your monthly bill is metered up and down. It has also grown in importance in this new era of work, which includes on-site, remote, and hybrid employees. Data must be accessible everywhere and at any time while maintaining security. How can we give data and applications, regardless of where they are stored, a cloud-like experience if everything can’t be moved to the public cloud? Instead of considering the cloud as a place to go, we should consider it an operating model or experience that allows you to scale your technology needs up and down as needed and only pay for what you use. The multi-cloud experience is the next stage of digital transformation, allowing data to be kept in various locations while still being accessed from a single platform, including on-premises, at colocation facilities, at the edge, and in the cloud. Clients previously had to juggle maintaining their primary business with managing a data centre and the real estate needed to host that data centre. They had to forecast their needs several years in advance, and it took time to adjust to any changes. They would idle expensive servers while a project was growing for months. Identifying requirements for a project that had yet to begin and figure out how to make the most of data centres while launching new concepts and initiatives could be challenging throughout the RFP process. The public cloud will ultimately not replace the past technology alone but rather with the multi-cloud model, which will rule for at least the next ten years. This is because cloud models have generated a decade’s worth of excitement. The most competitive, efficient, and adaptable solution that businesses will use for their needs is this new archetype of a mixed approach to data processing and storage that includes some on-premises technology for items under regulatory or latency pressures, some at the edge – for example, in factories, branch offices, or on far-off oil rigs – and some in the public cloud.

Applying the multi-cloud model

The multi-cloud model helps prepare clients for what they know they have coming and the unknowns that the future can bring. The benefits of a multi-cloud model are many, and they include:


The appropriate combination will enable your vendor to manage capacity, configuration, and version upgrades routinely while preventing problems from occurring. Your internal IT personnel will have more time to work on initiatives to help the company grow rather than frantically trying to keep it running.


The multi-cloud paradigm is an as-a-service, consumption-based model for everything. These guards against overspending on expensive infrastructure that can become outdated before it can be fully capitalised. With as-a-service, you only pay for the services you use, allocating your capital budget to purchases more in line with your company’s growth objectives. Both the footprint’s size and the price are reduced by half. Based on the requirements of the applications, organisations can use this model to make the best financial and technological decisions. Similarly, colocation data centres relieve the company of the costs of managing on-site data centres and the related real estate, power and cooling.


To reduce compliance risk, firms frequently must maintain specific data applications on-premises, particularly in heavily regulated sectors like healthcare, finance, and government. They can maintain these crucial apps internally in a multi-cloud paradigm while providing a better, cloud-like experience